WCAG 2.0 Comment Submission

Name: Sean Curran
Email: sean@srcurran.com
Document: UW
Item Number: meaning
Part of Item: Intent
Comment Type: general comment
Comment (Including rationale for any proposed change):
I would add another section to 3.1 that alows users to increase or decrease the text size through the browser or the website. Or the text will work with multiple default text sizes. I think this is a bigger deal than screen readers and zooming in. Most 50+ people have bad eyesight and don\'t know how to use windows zoom, but can be taught the make text bigger trick and have it as a large size by default. This breaks some websites and makes the content un-usable. 

Proposed Change:
Add a section under 3.1 that allows users to increase the text size a reasonable amount and still have the website readable/usable/etc.

Received on Thursday, 22 June 2006 21:24:10 UTC