WCAG 2.0 Comment Submission

Name: Jack Pickard
Email: webguy@thepickards.co.uk
Affiliation: None to WAI
Document: W2
Item Number: Support compatibility with current and future user agents (including assistive technologies)
Part of Item: 
Comment Type: TE
Comment (Including rationale for any proposed change):
There is no requirement at any level for documents to be valid. I understand the need to make things technologically neutral but these are not mutually exclusive.

If there is no requirement for validity, what is to stop different browsers adding new elements and supporting them? We\'ll have an equivalent situation to the layer and ilayer elements as new browsers will add new elements they like, irrespective of the specification. As well as that, we\'ll see the return of previously deprecated elements such as font. The WAI has advocated good development standards for a long time. Now is not the time to change.

Proposed Change:
Add a new success criterion (probably a level 2 success criterion as it is a strengthening of the level 1), requiring that web units or authored components are produced according to the formal specification for the technology used.

Received on Saturday, 17 June 2006 23:53:38 UTC