WCAG 2.0 Comment Submission

Name: Robert C. Baker  
Email: <Robert.C.Baker@ssa.gov>
Affiliation: Social Security Administration
Document: W2
Item Number: Make all functionality operable via a keyboard interface
Part of Item: 
Comment Type: TE
Comment (Including rationale for any proposed change):
(See LC 681 for complete submission)

In addition, we recommend the W3C address the following items at a later date: 

ยง Guidelines should address keyboard access, however additional guidance is needed for when to assign hotkeys, defining logical tab order, hotkeys shown on buttons, and defining tab indices for text focus and search functionality. Also, guidance is needed to determine what is an acceptable number of keystrokes to perform the equivalent of one mouse action to provide comparable access. 

Proposed Change:

Received on Tuesday, 6 June 2006 05:39:43 UTC