Errata — Glossary, Appendix A

Formatting of items in glossary is not consistent, and other items of minor errata.

Some definitions (dd) use the term (dt) unnecessarily (circular reference).  Example:  feature, natural language, presentation, Unicode.

Some definitions (dd) do not end with period (and they should).

Some definition terms (dt) are capitalized, but most are not.

Some definitions (dd) do not start off with capital letter.

programmatic user interface component is defined but does not seem to be referenced.
The underlying term “component” is never defined.

non-text content content that communicates ideas, data, facts information and is not text.
Should be:
non-text content that communicates ideas, data, facts, or information, and is not text.

First (and structurally only) sentence of definition for Red Flash Threshold and General Flash Threshold is unordered list.  This may be deliberate to help definition stand out.

Redundant definition terms (dd are identical):
information is conveyed by color
information that is conveyed by color

Received on Sunday, 27 November 2005 19:41:39 UTC