10-year-old boy prisoner of Guantanamo Bay -- found innocent after two years of detainment

(hyperlinks also follow story.)

You're kidding, right? That's it?

After holding Brits in our extralegal dungeons for two years, one day we
just let 'em go?

We've still got more than 600 people imprisoned in our Halliburton-built
prison camp at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, where for more than two years we've
been interrogating them, denying them lawyers, denying them any kind of
judicial review, hinting quite bluntly that they could all remain in limbo
like this forever, and trying to put a brave face on all of the suicide

And every now and then, without comment, we bundle a few of them onto
international flights and dump them out on a street somewhere -- and
suddenly it turns out that this dangerous menace was just a bewildered Kabul
taxi driver, or a 10-year-old.

What the heck is that about?

I mean, if the argument is that these people are too horrifically dangerous
to ever risk granting them access to the American judicial system, how can
you just up and cut them loose?

And if they're not dangerous -- well, how can you hold a man in a Kafkaesque
jail for two years, slapping him around, denying him sleep, asking him
randomly desperate (and therefore asinine) questions like " Do you know
Mullah Omar?"; and then one day open the door, shake his hand and wave
goodbye, without even the slightest blush of shame, the most sheepish of

One of the first of five Britons released this week from Gitmo was one Jamal
al Harith of Manchester, a website designer and a father of three.

"After a while, we stopped asking for human rights -- we wanted animal
rights," Harith told Britain's Daily Mirror. "In Camp X-Ray my cage was
right next to a kennel housing an Alsatian dog. He had a wooden house with
air conditioning and green grass to exercise on.

"I said to the guards, 'I want his rights' and they replied, "That dog is a
member of the US army'."

This man, Harith, wasn't held but a few hours by British police and security
services before they had shrugged and let him go free. There's no case,

And now, of course, these and other detainees are gearing up to sue the
pants off of the United States government. Chalk it up as one more bill that
the Bush-Cheney team will leave us to pay for long after they're gone.










Received on Wednesday, 31 March 2004 14:47:48 UTC