- From: John Gardner <John.Gardner@viewplus.com>
- Date: Sat, 06 Sep 2003 12:32:29 -0700
- To: public-comments-wcag20@w3.org
Q1. In general, is this WCAG 2.0 Working Draft easy to understand? It is not trivial reading, but I found it far easier to understand than the 1.0 guidelines. I cannot even guess how many times I read the 1.0 guidelines and frankly never did understand them fully. I skimmed this 2.0 document once, then read it carefully and understand it already better than I ever did the 1.0 guidelines. Q2. Is the concept of Core and Extended checkpoints easy to understand? Yes, but I found the priority level concepts of 1.0 understandable as well. The advantage of the new system is that it does not need to set priorities on which of the extended guidelines is the most important. I can also see that the new structure is at least partly responsible for the increased readability of the guidelines. For what it's worth I like the concept of Core+ but recommend that a core+ claim list the extended checkpoints that are met. Number of extended checkpoints isn't very informative unless it is nearly all of them. Q2a. Is this an effective structure? Yes, but I do sympathize with those who've mastered 1.0 structure and are now being asked to adopt something that really is radically different. Q3. If your site or organization already uses WCAG 1.0, do you think it will be difficult to migrate from WCAG 1.0 to WCAG 2.0? I'm certainly no expert, but it's obviously not trivial. A lot of effort is required to provide transition documents. Good luck. John Gardner, President and CEO ViewPlus Technologies, Inc. 1853 SW Airport Avenue Corvallis, OR 97333 Tel: (541) 754 4002 x220 FAX: (541) 738 6505 e-mail: John.Gardner@ViewPlus.com URL: http://WWW.ViewPlus.com
Received on Saturday, 6 September 2003 16:20:45 UTC