Re: sRGB Connection Space - Slides and Comments

Hello Simon,


#2. AFAIK, OSs do not compensate for sRGB display brightness. 

At least on MacOS, the same gamma is used at 80 and 500 nits (or 48 and 250 nits). Confirmed with gamma test patterns on both internal and external displays.

And the display profile is the same regardless of the brightness setting.

That seems to align with common use of sRGB content. Just throw the pixels onto the sRGB display, unconverted.


Can the group provide info on which OSs actually compensate for display brightness? Maybe it happens on cell phones??




From: Simon Thompson <>
Date: Tuesday, December 21, 2021 at 4:51 AM
To: "" <>
Subject: sRGB Connection Space - Slides and Comments
Resent-From: <>
Resent-Date: Tuesday, December 21, 2021 at 4:49 AM



Hi all,


Please find attached my slides from last night.


I have reviewed the notes and have three comments/questions.


1)      Chris Cameron mentioned that the connection space was linear. I’ve changed the slides from non-linear which I thought was chosen to allow the end user similar input values for blends, fades etc.  Is linear correct?

2)      sRGB has a fixed viewing peak brightness in the IEC specification of 80 cd/m2 with a fixed gamma. We understand that many operating systems make adjustments to accommodate different brightness displays and different viewing environments.  This process assumes a standard compliant signal.  Therefore, I think that Chris Seeger’s suggestion of mapping 203cd/m2 PQ to Extended sRGB 1.0 is a good idea, but it will need a second step to ensure that the shadows and midtones match between the scaled PQ and the sRGB.  (The HLG transform in the git repo matches the shadows and midtones)

3)      Provided 2) correctly matches the shadows and midtones, I think Chris Seeger’s requirements about transforming between HDR formats should be okay (remembering that this is a minimal viable product and may be improved upon).


Best Regards







Simon Thompson MEng CEng MIET
Senior R&D Engineer

Received on Wednesday, 22 December 2021 21:08:44 UTC