Re: Colloquial Tidbits

Just one point from this that could help us.

On 16 September 2011 05:32, Marcos Caceres <> wrote:

>> CMS don't count.
> Those still seem like still valid cases, they just make those templates available as a platform to scale. There is good information in all the Wordpress, Drupal, etc. templates out there.
> I guess what would also be interesting here is Q) what percentage of the Web is using a custom CMS vs … um, static pages?… actually, this is a bit weird, as anything on a that serves content is a CMS (e.g., php, rails, coldfusion, node, etc. are platforms that manage content).

> We might need a definition of CMS… like I implied above, I see PHP, for instance, as a CMS on which other CMSs can be built. That is, although you can do other things with PHP, it's seems to be heavily geared towards the management and distribution of content on the Web.

Good point Marcos, terminology not shared is divisive?
Perhaps a glossary is a good addition to our wiki?


Dave Pawson
Docbook FAQ.

Received on Friday, 16 September 2011 07:21:55 UTC