COGA Structure subgroup meeting on Thursday, January 16, 2025

Hello COGA Task Force,

This email is a reminder that we have a meeting scheduled for tomorrow,
Thursday, January 16, 2025, at 11am ET.

*We will use the Task Force meeting link: *

Our agenda is in our meeting notes
doc, and repeated here:

   - Work on the text of the "use icons to help the user" pattern in the
   template for the new structure to see what works, what doesn't, and what we
   haven't considered
      - While doing this, also look at some of the feedback on the language
      itself from community group members and take that into consideration
   - Adjust the template if needed
   - Select a second pattern to work on and begin migrating that to the new
   template to see what that looks like, as well

[image: Google logo written with braille dots and ASL hands]
Rain Breaw Michaels
Design Lead, Accessibility UX

Received on Wednesday, 15 January 2025 15:43:42 UTC