- From: Lisa Seeman <lisa1seeman@gmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 6 Jan 2025 19:11:05 +0200
- To: public-cognitive-a11y-tf <public-cognitive-a11y-tf@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <CAKExBMJvgmw5n_GAmdymHi=3ipCK0CizyGt1PH_Ro8hnEN6x1w@mail.gmail.com>
Chat Messages 18:02<lisa> next item 18:02* Zakim thinks agendum 1 -- updates and actions https://docs.google.com/document/d/15HtPkkYx1CIl6bAwP2nsSZKhqTVbqcuMDRz5RmtmvXg/edit#heading=h.ka7r1m4q5vkc -- taken up [from lisa] 18:03<lisa> scribe: EA 2 users have joined 18:03<tiffanyburtin> present+ 18:03<lisa> scribe page: https://webirc.w3.org/#/chan-2 18:03<DavidSwallow> present+ 18:04*** EA4* (~EA@dd4fe3a2.publics.cloak)* has joined the channel 18:05<lisa> scribe+ EA4 18:05<lisa> Zakim thinks agendum 1 -- updates and actions https://docs.google.com/document/d/15HtPkkYx1CIl6bAwP2nsSZKhqTVbqcuMDRz5RmtmvXg/edit#heading=h.ka7r1m4q5vkc -- taken up 18:05<EA4> Lisa going over actions with link above 18:06<EA4> Lisa sharing screen and scrolling 18:08<EA4> Working on issue papers and research - Making Content Usable. Analysis is done 18:08<EA4> Rain agreed and added link 18:10<EA4> Rain felt that the closing out - W3C has reviewed it and all seems possible - but Rain wants to check the situation as it feels a bit vague. There has been good feedback on the taskforce calls and now needs to be transferred to the pattern's template. This will allow for patterns to be transferred to the new structure. 18:10<EA4> This has taken longer than expected but Rain will have structure template ready by next meeting. 18:11<EA4> Lisa has made this in bold as very important when new feedback comes in 18:11<EA4> Lisa said next step to fill in one pattern - Rain has suggested to make two patterns 18:11<EA4> Rain went on to say she has started on one and with another this will allow us to see how it is going. 18:12<EA4> Lisa added the need to fill in one objective and the structure for each objective for editors draft 18:12<EA4> Filling two patterns could occur by the end of January 18:12<EA4> Lisa suggested we get feedback in February and put in objectives if this is possble with a couple of people helping. 18:13<EA4> Lisa asked if there was a link and Rain will add these to the document 18:14<EA4> Lisa said there are some new proposals... not all will make it but many will get through and Rushmi is helping wth teh mental health one. 18:14<EA4> Placeholders for internationalisation - Jan has been working hard in this area. Next meeting soon 18:14<EA4> Editors notes will be discussed later. 18:15<EA4> Lisa also mentioned filling in templates - should this be a separate line or merged? 18:15<EA4> Rain suggested merging 18:15<EA4> Once we have all this in place we can review what is missing - may not for this working draft as only doing one objective. Could be hard during the time templates are changing. 18:17<EA4> Lisa suggested that 1st working draft will have new structure and some mental health content and one object with patterns filled in with new template. 18:18<EA4> Lisa says this is so that there is a chance for switches within content can occur 18:18<EA4> Hopefully this idea will not overwhelm 18:18<EA4> people by providng too much information 18:19<EA4> Feedback will be easier to create and for us to check the views in short time... then other objectives can be added from the first round of feedback 18:19<EA4> Lisa asked if this makes sense - 18:20<EA4> Rain felt this would probably work 18:20<EA4> Jenny felt it would be important to ask the leads on the objectives 18:20<EA4> No other comments so Lisa said we can see how it works. 18:21<EA4> Maybe adding the first objective with links to others 18:21<EA4> Please keep suggestions coming as Lisa is open to more comments. 18:22<EA4> Once the content is in the new templates we can check how it is going and then move onto the next draft. 18:22<EA4> Lisa appreciates that many of the issues are open could be have an update 18:22<EA4> An objections? 18:23<Rain> +1 to giving an update. People feel good and want to help when they know that their feedback is being considered, even if it takes a while 18:23<EA4> The idea is not to closing issues but to give an update 18:24<lisa> +1 18:24<Jennie> +1 18:24<EA4> +1 as I am aware I have not finished the AAC issue paper 18:24<tiffanyburtin> +1 18:24<EA4> OK not issue papers but about general issues 18:26<EA4> Going through the suggestions is a slow process and then there will be an editorial review - may get moved to the next draft 18:27<EA4> Lisa will check with Janina and Rachael if just one objective by then 18:29<EA4> There are some major discussions to be had about the amount of feedback received including name change etc and these need to be captured in the minutes to allow for more thinking time and suggestions 18:31<tiffanyburtin> q+ 18:31* Zakim sees tiffanyburtin on the speaker queue 18:32<lisa> ack next 18:32* Zakim sees tiffanyburtin at the head of the speaker queue 18:32* Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue 18:32<EA4> Reviewing would help when people have to take time out for various reasaons 18:34<EA4> Issue papers have been edited and these are beginning to be movd into the new format. Some still have to be added and require different introductions, acknowledgements etc. 4 papers are going to be in the next version and will be worked on in February. 18:35<EA4> The aim is to include as much content as possible into Github before everything goes into the new template. 18:35<EA4> Research issues papers getting into an acceptable editorial state has taken sometime. 18:36<EA4> The Triggers document still needs work 18:36<lisa> q? 18:36* Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue 18:36<lisa> next item 18:36* Zakim thinks agendum 2 -- meetings this week -- taken up [from lisa] 18:37<EA4> Mental Health and GitHub calll this week and WCAG 3 coordination call and possibly community has a meeting this Thursday. 18:38<EA4> 10am Eastern time is the Community call where it is hoped there will be new suggestions for patterns 18:38<EA4> Rain added that a few of community group have been working on patterns and papers - need to know how to share with the group. 18:39<EA4> Maye ask Kiki to come and represent the group at a coga meeting 18:39<EA4> Lisa has said she will try to come to the Thursday meeting or this Monday call. 18:39<lisa> next item 18:39* Zakim thinks agendum 3 -- Can Lisa just update the open issues without closing -- taken up [from lisa] 18:39<lisa> closed issue 3 18:40<lisa> close issue 3 18:40<lisa> next issue 18:40*** DavidSwallow* (~DavidSwallow@dd4fe3a2.publics.cloak)* has quit *(DavidSwallow)* 18:40<lisa> close item3 18:40* Zakim notes agendum 3, Can Lisa just update the open issues without closing, closed 18:40* Zakim sees 2 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 18:40* Zakim 4. Should issue papers focus on user needs more then technology so that they survive longer. [from lisa] 18:40<lisa> next item 18:40* Zakim thinks agendum 4 -- Should issue papers focus on user needs more then technology so that they survive longer. -- taken up [from lisa] 18:43<Jennie> q+ 18:43* Zakim sees Jennie on the speaker queue 18:43<EA4> Lisa suggests we could change the orientation to focus more on user needs - add a section of user needs as these may not be dependent on the technology - this allows the paper to last for longer . This is how a task force in APA has been working. 18:43<Rain> q+ 18:43* Zakim sees Jennie, Rain on the speaker queue 18:44<EA4> Jenny asked if this would exclude our ability to work with a particularly aimed at a specific technology 18:44<EA4> Lisa mentioned that we would need to have a more hybrid approach 18:44<lisa> ack next 18:44* Zakim sees Jennie at the head of the speaker queue 18:44* Zakim sees Rain on the speaker queue 18:45<EA4> Rain said it would not preclude or exclude the ability to target a particular technology - if started by the user need we could say why they needed to technology and in order for it to work certain things would need to be addressed in terms of human need. 18:46<lisa> ack next 18:46* Zakim sees Rain at the head of the speaker queue 18:46* Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue 18:46<EA4> Make it easier for people to understand why technology may be needed 18:46<Jennie> * David S are you on mute? 18:47<EA4> +q 18:47* Zakim sees EA on the speaker queue 18:47<lisa> ack next 18:47* Zakim sees EA at the head of the speaker queue 18:47* Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue 18:49<kirkwood> present+ 18:50<EA4> Lisa also mentioned the need to consider functional needs 18:52<EA4> David concurred that being person based with user and funtional needs are required - these need to be written. 1 user has joined, and 1 user has left 18:53<lisa> )john was speeking not david) 18:53<EA4> Sorry John Kirkwood speaking and David has added whether the issue paper approach is the way to go? 18:54<EA4> User needs could be added as a section in the issue papers - David ageed 18:55<kirkwood> functional needs. would arfgue that funtinal nees are part of user needs. in that a user has multiple functional nees” . 18:55<EA4> Lisa is proposing one could do this to the new issue papers. 18:55<kirkwood> Couldn’t they just be tagged? 18:56<tiffanyburtin> Agree with David, could we add a section for user needs as needed in each paper. 18:56<EA4> John Kirkwood suggested that user needs could have multiple user/fuction need tags... 18:56<Jennie> +1 to John as for now solution if possible 18:56<Jennie> q+ 18:56* Zakim sees Jennie on the speaker queue 18:57<EA4> Jennie suggested that John's tags with links to where the user needs live. 18:58<EA4> Move in the direction of user needs 18:58<lisa> +1 18:59<EA4> User and functional needs with tags or mapping onto older papers and have sections that cover the idea 18:59<Rain> +1 18:59<EA4> +1 but mindful of who will be reading our documents 18:59<kirkwood> each user has multiple functional needs. 18:59<Jennie> +1 as long as audience needs are considered 18:59*** DavidSwallow* (~DavidSwallow@dd4fe3a2.publics.cloak)* has joined the channel 18:59<DavidSwallow> +1 19:00*** Jennie* (~Jennie@dd4fe3a2.publics.cloak)* has quit *(Jennie)* 19:01<DavidSwallow> It's consistent with the publications of other groups (like RQTF), and it focuses potentially theoretical discussion into something practical and user-focused. 19:01<tiffanyburtin> I'm concerned about completely rewriting due to time and effort, but adding a section could be very useful. 19:02<lisa> EA: audence can be students, phd students, aids, people interested in their rights 19:02<tiffanyburtin> +1 to EA 19:02<lisa> changes with the user senario, as well so it can be a pandoras box 19:03<kirkwood> good point ea. seems functional needs skews toward technical focus. user need better for policy maker or person/communicaitons 19:04<lisa> with aac, you can not user the screen in bright light. 19:04<Rain> q+ 19:04* Zakim sees Jennie, Rain on the speaker queue 19:04<lisa> ack next 19:04* Zakim sees Jennie at the head of the speaker queue 19:04* Zakim sees Rain on the speaker queue 19:05<tiffanyburtin> Very beneficial conversation 19:05<kirkwood> if the need is to support a particular user type, it should be categorized a certain way. 19:05<lisa> ack next 19:05* Zakim sees Rain at the head of the speaker queue 19:05* Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue 19:06<EA4> Rain said that we really do need to include funtional and user needs in the issue papers and try have some context that could alter things - need to think that innovation may result from some of the issue arising. 19:06<lisa> rain: having the user needs will help people think about the inovation . and this is the issue of the issue papers 19:07<lisa> RRSAgent, publish minutes 19:07<kirkwood> agreed but then we need both right? 19:08<EA4> The impact of these person orientated needs could change how accessibility is achieved through different adaptations to technologies - helps make it more understandable to see how technology can be changed 19:08<lisa> headed towards making a section of an incoplete list of example user needs 19:08<lisa> RRSAgent, publish minutes 19:08<EA4> Thank tou 19:08<EA4> you 19:09<lisa> EA agrees with Rain New messages 19:09*** tiffanyburtin* (~tiffanyburtin@dd4fe3a2.publics.cloak)* has quit *(tiffanyburtin)* -- All the best Lisa Seeman-Horwitz LinkedIn <http://il.linkedin.com/in/lisaseeman/>, Twitter <https://twitter.com/SeemanLisa>
Received on Monday, 6 January 2025 17:11:47 UTC