- From: Julie Rawe <jrawe@understood.org>
- Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2025 08:40:26 -0500
- To: public-cognitive-a11y-tf <public-cognitive-a11y-tf@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <CAKuGZ+g-2=+MtSSkj3es4TixWH7dPoZ+ATDcxKw70_-z-Rhqeg@mail.gmail.com>
Hi, folks, after COGA's WCAG 3 Coordination Subgroup met last week, I shared some concerns with Rachael about the ambitious drafting timeline for WCAG 3. She clarified a few things: - *Over the next six months: *Individuals can review the drafts in different WCAG groups as they get shared as pull requests. The AG chairs expect that experts will review the requirements that are most relevant to their expertise. - *This summer or early fall: *After the subgroups have created an initial draft for all of the WCAG 3 requirements, there will be a month-long review sprint. This is when the AG chairs expect COGA as a group to review all of the requirements together. - *Down-selection process:* After the review sprint, an important next step will be to "down-select" the requirements that need more research. The down-selected requirements will stay in the editor's draft while the other requirements will move into the working draft. - No work will be lost, but the down-selected requirements will take longer to get into the working draft. - Example: Rachael said color contrast has already been identified as needing more research because it will use a complex algorithm instead of the simple ratios in WCAG 2. - *Multi-year process: *Requirements that move into the working draft will get refined over the next 1 to 3 years. There will be several opportunities for COGA to review the drafts during this multi-year refining process. *Questions or concerns?* - Please email me anytime or add your concerns to the COGA tracking doc for WCAG 3 pathways <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VhXbUz8PZpRTMvHJq5ZXPwPNXwFNFQDyBi9SWbL6awk/edit?gid=0#gid=0> . - I will be out of office next Monday, so I will not be at the February 24th COGA meeting. - The next WCAG 3 Coordination Subgroup meeting is Thursday, March 6th, at 11am ET. Thanks so much for all the work COGA is doing in general and for WCAG 3 in particular. With appreciation, Julie -- [image: understood.logo] <https://www.understood.org/> *Julie Rawe* *Director, Content Strategy & Accessibility* jrawe@understood.org www.understood.org she | her | hers [image: facebook icon] <https://www.facebook.com/Understood/> [image: linkedin icon] <https://www.linkedin.com/company/understood/> [image: instagram icon] <https://www.instagram.com/understoodorg/?hl=en> [image: tiktok icon] <https://www.tiktok.com/@understood.org> *Support us <https://www.understood.org/donate>*
Received on Tuesday, 18 February 2025 13:40:42 UTC