Collaboration Tools Accessibility User Requirements - FINAL REVIEW

Hi all,

As discussed on today's call, the latest version of Collaboration Tools Accessibility User Requirements (CTAUR) is ready for a further review. This is the planned last draft before it is published as a W3C Group Note.

COGA has already provided substantial feedback on previous versions of CTAUR, which led to the addition of significant requirements and clarification of the document's scope. As a result, the document should now be fairly aligned with COGA's objectives.

The latest version can be found here: However, as suggested at today's meeting, I have pasted the text of the CTAUR document into a Google doc so you can leave any feedback in the relevant place. The Google doc can be found here:

Please read the latest version of CTAUR and if you have any further feedback, please leave it in the Google doc, either using the comment facility, or as inline text (but if you do that, please clearly indicate where your comment starts and ends).

(John Kirkwood - I have transferred your comments over to this document and added them at the relevant place. )

We will then discuss the feedback on next week’s COGA call (September 16th).

We have until 30 September 2024 to provide feedback.

David Swallow
Principal UX Consultant

TPG Interactive<>

A Vispero Company<>


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Received on Monday, 9 September 2024 19:13:45 UTC