TIME-SENSITIVE: How to join the current set of WCAG 3 subgroups

Hi, COGA folks, for anyone who wants to join one of the new WCAG 3
subgroups, here are two ways to join:

   - *1st option:* Go to today's AG meeting at 11am ET and join the
   breakout session for the WCAG 3 subgroup you are interested in:
   - *2nd option:* If you can't attend today's AG meeting, email the AG
   chairs to let them know which subgroup you want to join so they can connect
   you with the subgroup leader: group-ag-chairs@w3.org

Here are the new subgroups that started 8-week sprints this month:

   1. *Adjust color: *Users are able to adjust color schemes.
   2. *Haptic stimulation: *Protects users from haptic over-stimulation.
   3. *Implied meaning in non-literal language: *Explain non-literal
   language such as jokes, sarcasm, hyperbole, metaphors, similes, and idioms.
   (FYI, John Rochford and I are leading this subgroup, which has several
   other COGA participants too.)
   4. *Keyboard only: *All functionality can be performed through the
   keyboard interface only, except where the underlying function requires
   input that depends on the path of the user's movement and not just the
   5. *Section labels: *Sections of content have clear visual and
   programmatic labeled. (COGA's Jennie Delisi is part of this subgroup.)
   6. *Voice interaction *This group has not started meeting yet.

And last but not least, the subgroups meet weekly but include ways to
participate asynchronously. See Rachael's email below for more detail from
the AG chairs.

Please get involved if you have time to work on one of the subgroups this
summer, and let me know if you have questions about any of the information
in this email thread.


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Bradley Montgomery, Rachael L <rmontgomery@loc.gov>
Date: Tue, Jul 23, 2024 at 7:35 AM
Subject: Subgroup work
To: AGWG Chairs <group-ag-chairs@w3.org>


It was brought to our attention that not everyone who signed up on the
survey saw the announcements that we would be starting the subgroup work in
the AG meeting for several weeks.  We have started and subgroups will meet
again today and next week during the meeting (11 am East.  Subgroups will
then move to a time that participants are able to make.

If you are not able to make the AG timeslot, please reach out to AG Chairs
and we will put you in touch with the subgroup lead(s) so you can
participate asynchronously and be included in the decision about the time
for future meetings.

We apologize for any confusion.

Kind regards,


Received on Tuesday, 23 July 2024 12:13:05 UTC