State of Minnesota Legislative Task Force on Guardianship

Good morning,
As we continue our work on the Supported Decision Making paper, I thought this may be of interest. The State of Minnesota is seeking individuals from the state to be members of a board: Legislative Task Force on Guardianship.<> This work is supported by the MN Council on Disability – I work for a different department, so I cannot provide further details. However, if a member of COGA is looking for a contact, I am happy to help.
Under Entity Powers and Duties, Activity Summary:

  *   “expanding supported decision-making alternatives to guardianships and conservatorships;”
  *   “The first meeting of the task force must be convened by the chair no later than September 1, 2025”
Direct appointments which may be of interest:

  *   Chair (Representative from the Minnesota Council on Disability)
  *   Employee Acting as the Disability Systems Planner in the Center for Health Equity at the Minnesota Department of Health
  *   Employee from the Office of Ombudsman for Long Term Care
  *   Employee from the Office of Ombudsman for Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities
  *   Employee from the Olmstead Implementation Office
  *   House of Representatives member (2)
  *   Member from the Commission of the Deaf, Deafblind, and Hard-of-Hearing
  *   Representative of the Department of Human Services with Knowledge of Public Guardianship Issues
  *   Senate member (2)


Jennie Delisi, MA, CPWA
Enterprise IT Governance Coordinator | Customer Service Management
Minnesota IT Services | Partners in Performance
658 Cedar Street
St. Paul, MN 55155
O: 651-201-1135
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Received on Monday, 22 July 2024 13:11:08 UTC