WCAG 3 coordination: Summary and minutes from July 11th subgroup meeting

Hi, folks, thanks for your time yesterday, and hope you all have a good

*Summary and action items*

   - *Update on new sprint for WCAG 3's Implied Meaning and Figure Language
      - We started meeting weekly in July in breakout sessions during AG's
      Tuesday calls from 11am to 1pm ET.
   - *Responding to AG's consolidation proposal for WCAG 3
      - AG wants to reduce the number of outcomes (174!) and/or cluster
      them in subsections to help make WCAG more manageable for users.
      - The current proposal for the "Text and wording" section has very
      similar-sounding subsections, including "Clear language," "Clear
      and "Clear content."
      - We discussed ways to re-organize, including adding a subsection
      that focuses on the two numerical outcomes (numerical concepts and
      numerical formatting).
      - *Action item: *Rain will take the lead on organizing a card-sorting
      exercise for the "Text and Wording" section and will ask Alastair and
      Rachael for insights on which card-sorting tools COGA may want to use.
   - *COGA resources for the new WCAG 3 subgroups
      - This is time-sensitive since the subgroups started a few weeks
      earlier than expected.
      - We reviewed the draft list and a couple more resources.
      - *Action item: *Julie will send list to the full COGA group and get
      time in regular COGA Monday meeting to see if we're missing anything.


   - https://www.w3.org/2024/07/11-coga-minutes.html

*Next meeting*

   - August 1st at 11am ET

[image: understood.logo] <https://www.understood.org/>   *Julie Rawe*
*Director, Content Strategy & Accessibility*
she | her | hers

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Received on Friday, 12 July 2024 17:58:48 UTC