M-Enabling Survey re cognitive and learning disabilities

Sharing in case this is of interest.
On the M-Enabling LinkedIn page they have a post about a survey. This is in regards to cognitive and learning disabilities.
Part of the post includes:
“We invite accessibility professionals, individuals with cognitive and learning disabilities, and service providers to contribute to this essential survey.
Survey Purpose:
Gain global perspectives on the impact of inaccessible technology on individuals with cognitive and learning disabilities. Data collected will inform discussions at the M-Enabling Summit in Washington, DC, on October 15, 2024.
Survey Goal:
Identify critical needs in accessible Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) for enhancing independence in daily living, learning, working, and recreational activities.”
Here’s a link to their LinkedIn Post with more information.<https://www.linkedin.com/posts/m-enabling-summit_menabling24-accessibility-innovationsprint-activity-7213926781647470595-HGQa?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop>
I am not affiliated with this survey in any way, just sharing for awareness.
Thank you,

Jennie Delisi, MA, CPWA
Enterprise IT Governance Coordinator | Customer Service Management
Minnesota IT Services | Partners in Performance
658 Cedar Street
St. Paul, MN 55155
O: 651-201-1135
Information Technology for Minnesota Government | mn.gov/mnit<http://mn.gov/mnit>
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Received on Tuesday, 2 July 2024 18:25:42 UTC