Re: Hi, COGA, time-sensitive re AG discussion tomorrow/January 23rd


I will be available at from 8-8:45 US Eastern tomorrow and will do my best to answer questions in as unbiased a manner as possible.

If you would like a calendar invitation with the zoom link, please let me know.

Kind regards,


From: Julie Rawe <>
Sent: Monday, January 22, 2024 1:51 PM
To: public-cognitive-a11y-tf <>
Subject: Hi, COGA, time-sensitive re AG discussion tomorrow/January 23rd

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Hi, folks, at today's COGA meeting, we talked about a decision AG will make tomorrow on how to approach publishing WCAG 3.

One of the big publication debates is whether to prioritize publishing new WCAG 3 (Silver) outcomes or to prioritize publishing outcomes that are compatible with WCAG 2.2. Which is more important to share with the public first — showing how this next set of guidelines meets more user needs or showing how it builds on previous guidelines?

Consider adding a thumbs-up in GitHub by 11 am ET:
The starting point should be the WCAG 3 outcomes.<*discussioncomment-8173718__;Iw!!EDx7F7x-0XSOB8YS_BQ!dnYiLx-y7uQzphZES6E3eX3leq169enTBAvW_aLRO2sCi3-vzj3EzNFrMIdtvVX7__CX691b2suPdAeFMwGW$>
(Thumbs up for "yes", thumbs down for "no, lets start with WCAG 2.2".) Starting with WCAG 3 would mean starting with the proposed outcomes<;!!EDx7F7x-0XSOB8YS_BQ!dnYiLx-y7uQzphZES6E3eX3leq169enTBAvW_aLRO2sCi3-vzj3EzNFrMIdtvVX7__CX691b2suPdM1lRHI0$>, prioritising and refining those, leading onto a module or similar output. Starting with WCAG 2.2 would mean picking 1 or 2 areas to upgrade for the next time period.

Other publication debates on tomorrow's agenda:
Each comment below summarizes the debate and tells you what a thumbs-up or thumbs-down vote means.

  *   We should focus on guidelines (rather than conformance) for a while, then come back to conformance / structural updates.<*discussioncomment-8173720__;Iw!!EDx7F7x-0XSOB8YS_BQ!dnYiLx-y7uQzphZES6E3eX3leq169enTBAvW_aLRO2sCi3-vzj3EzNFrMIdtvVX7__CX691b2suPdBwjL_Lp$>
  *   We should focus on completing modules rather than time-boxed output.<*discussioncomment-8173723__;Iw!!EDx7F7x-0XSOB8YS_BQ!dnYiLx-y7uQzphZES6E3eX3leq169enTBAvW_aLRO2sCi3-vzj3EzNFrMIdtvVX7__CX691b2suPdM5WH8jN$>
  *   We want legislators to have something new to adopt sooner rather than later.<*discussioncomment-8173725__;Iw!!EDx7F7x-0XSOB8YS_BQ!dnYiLx-y7uQzphZES6E3eX3leq169enTBAvW_aLRO2sCi3-vzj3EzNFrMIdtvVX7__CX691b2suPdL-lL5nn$>

If you want to join tomorrow's AG meeting:

  *   11am ET start time
  *   Publication discussion is expected to take 90 minutes
  *   IRC channel: #ag

If you want more background before the meeting:
Rachael is trying to carve out time to meet with COGA members at 8am ET tomorrow. If she can make this work, she'll send out a calendar invite.

Thanks to you all and especially to Rachael,

Julie Rawe
Associate Director, Editorial Strategy<><;!!EDx7F7x-0XSOB8YS_BQ!dnYiLx-y7uQzphZES6E3eX3leq169enTBAvW_aLRO2sCi3-vzj3EzNFrMIdtvVX7__CX691b2suPdL5eB09c$>
she | her | hers

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Received on Monday, 22 January 2024 20:43:21 UTC