minutes 2/19/2024

I am having trouble making the minutes today so I am publishing it here
just in case

summary is we looked at mental health  proposals on findability, scrolin
and search (12, 13, 9  -Combine proposal 5, 6, 7)

see Mental health proposals at

[17:39] <Lisa> agenda?
[17:39] * Zakim sees 3 items remaining on the agenda:
[17:39] * Zakim 1. Mental health proposals at
[17:39] * Zakim 2. AG summary [from Lisa]
[17:39] * Zakim 3. review of actiosn subgroups . see Research call tomorrow
[from Lisa]

[17:39] <Lisa> note it is presedents day so many people can not attend
[17:41] <Lisa> regrets+ albert, john k, david swalow
[17:51] <Lisa> agenda?
[17:51] * Zakim sees 3 items remaining on the agenda:
[17:51] * Zakim 1. Mental health proposals at
[17:51] * Zakim 2. AG summary [from Lisa]
[17:51] * Zakim 3. review of actiosn subgroups . see Research call tomorrow
[from Lisa]
[17:54] == Rashmi [~Rashmi@c080ddbb.public.cloak] has joined #coga
[17:59] == jeanne_ec [~jeanne_ec@c080ddbb.public.cloak] has joined #coga
[18:00] <jeanne_ec> present+
[18:00] <Rashmi> present+
[18:01] == JustineP [~JustineP@c080ddbb.public.cloak] has joined #coga
[18:01] <Lisa> scribe+ lisa
[18:02] <Lisa> small meeting because of presedents day
[18:02] <Lisa> next item
[18:02] * Zakim thinks agendum 1 -- Mental health proposals at
taken up [from Lisa]
[18:04] <Lisa> 6 people on the call
[18:04] <Lisa> present+
[18:04] == JMcSorley [~JMcSorley@c080ddbb.public.cloak] has joined #coga
[18:04] <JustineP> present+
[18:04] <JMcSorley> present+ Jan
[18:04] == tburtin [~tburtin@c080ddbb.public.cloak] has joined #coga
[18:04] <Lisa> I see tiffany, jean, rashmi, Justien, jan
[18:04] <tburtin> present+
[18:05] <Lisa> looking at proposal 12
[18:06] <Lisa> add Fear of time out adds to anxiety which reduces cognitive
function . add to how it helps4.5.9 Avoid Data Loss and “Timeouts”(Pattern)
[18:10] <Lisa> q?
[18:10] * Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue
[18:10] <Lisa> there will be editoral changes
[18:10] <Lisa> +1 if you agree, -1 to disagree, 0 to discuss
[18:10] <Lisa> What to do Add to bullets:  if a method is
available  to extend the time, explain how to do it, and what to expect
upfront.   How it Helps: People with mental health related challenges often
process information at a slower pace due to cognitive difficulties such as
memory impairments, difficulties sustaining attention and concentration,
and inability to focus on or to filter out environmental distractions. Fear
of not having enough time to complete the task
[18:10] <JMcSorley> +1
[18:11] <Lisa> two parts
[18:11] <Lisa> +1
[18:11] <Rashmi> +1
[18:11] <Lisa> as always no responce is counted as agreement
[18:11] <tburtin> +1
[18:11] <jeanne_ec> +1
[18:11] <Lisa> justien is also happy
[18:11] <Lisa> Rashmi taking up 13 (findability
[18:12] <Lisa>
[18:14] <Lisa> looking at table. some people with Schizoaffective Disorder,
Severe Mental Illness(SMI prefer)  less steps, shallow higherarky, both
others say clear higherarky is better
[18:14] <Lisa> Jan there is conficting reserch on depth of navigation or
flat screen
[18:14] <Lisa> rashmi, yes
[18:15] <Lisa> lisa: do we bneed John K for discusion
[18:17] <Lisa> lisa: 4.3.2  has clear catogories, but not how many levels.
maybe we should stick with that.
[18:17] <Lisa> Jan and breadcrumbs
[18:17] <Lisa> lisa: in a diffrent one
[18:17] <Lisa> (diffrent pattern
[18:18] <Lisa> (4.2.4)
[18:18] <Lisa> having it in both is abit redundent
[18:19] <Lisa> and thye are done by diffrent people
[18:20] <Lisa> rashmi, users prefer paging over scrolling
[18:20] <Lisa> lisa: it is in there
[18:20] <Lisa> Scribe+  jan
[18:20] <JMcSorley> Rashmi: It states that users prefer paging over
[18:21] <Lisa> 4 Make it easy to find the most important actions and
information on the page (Pattern)
[18:22] <JMcSorley> Lisa: Content Usable mentions that you should avoid
scrolling. It's under Make it easy to find things 4.3.4 (user need / what
to do)
[18:22] <Lisa> 4.3.4 Make it easy to find the most important actions and
information on the page (Pattern) User Need I need to reach
important information and the controls I need without scrolling or carrying
out other actions. They are not hidden or off screen.  Related User Story:
Findable. What to Do Make key content visually stand out. Key
content should be visible to users without needing to scroll the page or
hover over content.
[18:24] <Lisa> Q?
[18:24] * Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue
[18:24] <JMcSorley> Lisa: It's difficult to know if people will need to
scroll because that will be dependent on their device, but making the most
important information prominent is important.
[18:25] <Lisa>
[18:25] <JMcSorley> Tiffany: I think this might be misread because the idea
of a "fold" is a fallacy. People might misread this.
[18:26] <JMcSorley> Lisa: Since we were talking about findability and depth
of navigation levels, we should probably leave this for now and not mark
this as resolved and bring this back up on a bigger call to get John K's
input and see if everyone agrees with not making a change.
[18:26] <Lisa> prosal is not make a change or recomend site depth, but we
want to bring up again with larger group
[18:27] <Lisa> +1
[18:27] <JustineP> +1
[18:27] <JMcSorley> +1
[18:27] <Lisa> rashmi also agreed
[18:27] <Lisa> amy objections
[18:27] <Lisa> any?
[18:27] <Lisa> any objections?
[18:28] <Lisa> tiffany will also review
[18:28] <JMcSorley> Tiffany: I think bringing up this topic in a larger
group would be helpful.
[18:30] <JMcSorley> Rashmi: Let's look at proposal #9
[18:30] <JMcSorley> Rashmi: This is about few navigation areas
[18:32] <JMcSorley> Lisa: 4.6.3 - This one is about Avoid Too Much Content;
maybe we should add it to 4.3.3 "Use a clear and understandable page
[18:33] <Lisa> Q?
[18:33] * Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue
[18:34] <JMcSorley> q+
[18:34] * Zakim sees JMcSorley on the speaker queue
[18:34] * JustineP apologies, need to drop due to an unexpected conflict
[18:35] <tburtin> q+
[18:35] * Zakim sees JMcSorley, tburtin on the speaker queue
[18:35] <Lisa> ack next
[18:35] * Zakim sees JMcSorley at the head of the speaker queue
[18:35] * Zakim sees tburtin on the speaker queue
[18:35] <JMcSorley> q-
[18:35] * Zakim sees tburtin on the speaker queue
[18:35] == JustineP [~JustineP@c080ddbb.public.cloak] has quit ["Page
[18:35] <Lisa> jan suggest putting it in 443
[18:35] <Lisa> page stucture
[18:35] <Lisa> ack next
[18:35] * Zakim sees tburtin at the head of the speaker queue
[18:35] * Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue
[18:36] <JMcSorley> Tiffany: I was going to add that accessible labels are
easy to understand - they can be nonvisible, but they still need to be easy
to understand (e.g. primary, secondary, and tertiary may not make sense)
[18:38] <Lisa> proposal add proposal 9 to 4.3.3 Use a Clear and
Understandable Page Structure (Pattern)
[18:39] <Lisa> (with changes from tiffany
[18:39] <Lisa> +1
[18:39] <jeanne_ec> +1
[18:39] <tburtin> +1
[18:39] <JMcSorley> +1
[18:41] <Rashmi> +1
[18:44] <Lisa> https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/coga/wiki/Main_Page
[18:44] <Lisa> https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/coga/wiki/Key_Documents
[18:47] <JMcSorley> Rashmi: Combine proposal 5, 6, 7
[18:48] <JMcSorley> Lisa: We have a pattern in Content Usable in search
4.3.6, "Provide Search"
[18:53] <JMcSorley> Lisa: I think this needs an editorial review, but it
looks good
[18:57] <JMcSorley> Lisa: provided some categories and bullets to break up
the text
[18:58] <Lisa> proposal is to accsept + editorial work on how it helps
[18:58] <Lisa> +1
[18:58] <Rashmi> +1
[18:59] <JMcSorley> +1
[18:59] <jeanne_ec> +1
[18:59] <Lisa> Tiffany likes it to
[19:00] <Lisa> see
the changes
[19:00] <Lisa> RRSAgent, publish minutes

All the best

Lisa Seeman-Horwitz

LinkedIn <http://il.linkedin.com/in/lisaseeman/>, Twitter

Received on Monday, 19 February 2024 17:08:37 UTC