Reminder: COGA Structure subgroup meeting on Thursday, August 8

Hello COGA Task Force,

This is a reminder that the COGA v2 Structure subgroup will be meeting on
Thursday, August 8, at 11am ET. We will:

   - Review the status of the prototypes to make sure everything will be
   ready in time for user testing
   - Come up with a plan for any pieces that are at risk

*We will use the Task Force meeting link: *

*Note that I can only attend for the first half hour! *I'll set the rest of
you up to either have action items to that we can continue the work
asynchronously, or so that you can continue even after I leave.

@Ruoxi Ran <> and @Bradley-Montgomery, Rachael
<>, if either of you are able to join, wonderful. That
will help us make sure we know exactly what we still need to do to prepare.
We understand if not.


[image: Google logo written with braille dots and ASL hands]
Rain Breaw Michaels
Design Lead, Accessibility UX

Received on Tuesday, 6 August 2024 19:15:35 UTC