COGA Structure Subgroup meeting reminder - 11am ET on Thursday, July 20

Hello COGA Task Force,

This is a reminder that the COGA Structure Subgroup
<> is
meeting today, Thursday July 20th, at 11am ET, 16:00 UK, 18:00 Israel.

We will be reviewing and making decisions based on the Structure V2 proposal
and the feedback received so far.

All COGA TF members, not just subgroup members, are welcome to join!

*The  teleconference information is at :*  *Call info for coga
<> *

11 am Eastern Time
4 pm  UK Time
6 pm  Israel

*IRC access*

An IRC (Internet Relay Chat) channel will be available during the call.
(The server is ,The port number is 6665 )
IRC is like our chat room. You can join us on IRC simply by clicking on
(The channel is #coga
You can write any name as a nickname).
Have a look at our page on* our tips for IRC


[image: Google logo written with braille dots and ASL hands]
Rain Breaw Michaels
Design Lead, Accessibility UX

Received on Thursday, 20 July 2023 13:13:48 UTC