COGA Task Force - Structure v2 working sessions

Hello COGA Task Force,

We will have two working sessions next week for the Structure v2 subgroup.
During these sessions we will:

   - Work through community feedback we have received on the proposed
   - Finalize the proposed designs enough to prototype for user testing
   - Document open questions we want to make sure we answer during the user

Any of you are welcome to join for some or all of these sessions. They will
be relatively informal.

   - *We will use the Task Force meeting link: *
   - *Working session 1: *Monday, December 18, 10-11am ET (one hour before
   our regular COGA TF call next week)
   - *Working session 2: *Wednesday, December 20, 9:30-11am ET

I'll send a reminder the day before each of these sessions.



[image: Google logo written with braille dots and ASL hands]
Rain Breaw Michaels
Design Lead, Accessibility UX

Received on Monday, 11 December 2023 18:01:18 UTC