Agenda and call information for COGA TF meeting on June 16, 2022 at 10am ET

Hello COGA Task Force,

The preliminary agenda for our meeting on Thursday, 16th of June:

   1. Check in with all sub-groups and COGA Action Items
   2. [Rain] Group feedback on images subgroup work
   3. [Lisa] Finish functional needs review
   - see
   4. [Rain] Review data collection survey together for v2 structure review
      - UXR quantitative survey re Content Usable v1
      - Data collection plan [coga structure subgroup]
   5. 11am-12pm ET: Subgroups
      - Clear Language (Julie) and
      - Research Plan and Strategy (Aaron)

Scheduled scribe
<> for June 16
is *??? (please sign up!
<>)**. * Rain is

A more detailed version of this agenda is available in our Google Doc
dedicated to agendas
in our shared drive). Relevant links are included in the detailed version.

*The teleconference information is at: Call info for COGA


   - 10:00 am Eastern Time
   - 3:00 pm (15:00) UK Time
   - 5:00 pm (17:00) Israel
   - 7:30 pm (19:30) India

*IRC access*
An IRC (Internet Relay Chat) channel will be available during the call.
(The server is ,The port number is 6665 )
IRC is like our chat room. You can join us on IRC simply by clicking on
(The channel is #coga
You can write any name as a nickname)

*Useful Links *

   - Actions
   - Wiki Main Page
   <> (with links
   to our work)
   - Some helpful Scribing and Participation Tips
   - Home Page <>
   - Email Archive

Thank you,


[image: Google logo written with braille dots and ASL hands]
Rain Breaw Michaels
Interaction Designer, Central Accessibility

Received on Monday, 13 June 2022 13:48:57 UTC