[response requested by September 23] COGA font selection for graphic examples of patterns

Hello COGA task force,

The images subgroup would like to select which font we use in all of the
graphic illustrations.

We are requesting feedback from the group on *font selection (doc for
feedback linked here)

*Please provide feedback by Thursday September 23.*

*Goal: *
Decide which font will be used in *sample graphics* that our visual
designer is creating *to illustrate examples of the objectives* and design
patterns on Content Usable.  There are four fonts to choose from, two on
each page.

We are *not recommending a specific font.* We are simply figuring out which
one our designer will use when creating the *still images* that provide
examples of our patterns.

Thank you,


Received on Tuesday, 21 September 2021 15:27:08 UTC