COGA reminder: review APA NAUR and Remote Meetings documents

Hello COGA task force,

This is a reminder that we will be reviewing the APA NAUR and Remote
meetings documents during our meeting this Thursday, December 2.

Please read these documents and add thoughts ahead of time.

   - *Natural Language Interface Accessibility User Requirements* -
      - Shared feedback document: COGA TF review of NAUR working draft
      (November 2021)

   - *Accessibility of Remote Meetings* -
   - Shared feedback document: COGA TF review of APA Remove Meetings
      working draft (November 2021)

Thank you,

[image: Google logo written with braille dots and ASL hands]
Rain Breaw Michaels
Interaction Designer, Central Accessibility

Received on Monday, 29 November 2021 16:50:42 UTC