COGA TF action requested: following up on the Inclusive Working Groups document

Hello COGA task force,

As suggested on our COGA TF meeting today, please indicate if you have
completed your review of the *Inclusive working groups *document

The goal of this document is to help other teams know how to work more
inclusively with the COGA task force.

We are asking you to:

   1. Look through what is in the document now and add your initials to
   indicate if you agree or disagree with anything
   2. Add anything you think may be missing
   3. *NEW: add your name to the Reviewers table
   at the bottom to indicate if you have reviewed the document, or if you
   would like more time*

Please add your name and review status before our next meeting on Thursday,
July 8, 2021.

Thank you,


Received on Thursday, 1 July 2021 17:42:20 UTC