an example of a Content Warning in a virtual conference setting


First, congrats on your awesome work on Making Content Usable
<>.  This information is so actionable!

I also wanted to share a learning moment we had at axe-con.  It has to do
with Content Warnings and triggers.  You see, Eric Bailey gave an amazing
talk called "Be the Villain".  He did an excellent job of providing a
verbal content warning at the beginning of his talk.

The opportunity for axe-con (and any online session) is to make Content
Warnings a part of our process.  Laura Goslin will be posting some
information soon to our blog about how we are going to do this moving
forward.  Thanks to input from Tori Clark, Eric Bailey and Carie Fisher, we
have added a clear content warning to Eric's talk so people can be aware in
advance and decide if they want to watch that session or not.

You can see what we've done here:

   - Specifically we added the words: "(*Content Warning)" to
      - the <title> element of the page
      - to the session title (which happens to be a H1 on this page)
   - We also added a more detailed Content Warning description (so
   attendees could make an informed decision).

If you haven't seen Eric's "Be a Villain" talk, I highly recommend it.
While it does appropriately contain material I found disturbing, it was
very relevant.  I found his talk to be profoundly important.

I'm also grateful for the time I've spent in the past with COGA TF.  I
think that I've learned so much from y'all...that when the suggestion came
in from one of our attendees that we needed to add a Content Warning to
this talk (on our axe-con website)...that I knew to stop, listen, research,
draft a plan, test the plan and then continue to stay open to additional

Peace, Love & A11Y,

P.S.  If you want to watch Eric's can still do that even if you
didn't preregister for axe-con.

*glenda sims* <>, cpwa
<>   | team a11y lead
| 512.963.3773
        deque systems <>  accessibility for good

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Received on Thursday, 29 April 2021 21:44:59 UTC