wireframes for images to illustrate Content Usable

The Content Usable Images subgroup (Jennie, John and I) have been working
on wireframes to help more clearly communicate the needs of the example
*"good*" image to the designer.

*We have created this Google slide deck with these wireframes
your review.*

(You may have to ask me to give you permission to the deck once you click
the link above. I tried to add everyone, but some email addresses were
rejected when I shared the deck.)

We hope to be on the agenda for next *Thursday, April 8*, to get all of
your feedback and turn over a revised set of wireframes and requirements to
the designer.

Please take a look before then, if you can.

*Ways to provide feedback:*

   - Add comments to the deck
   - Reply directly to this email
   - Wait until our meeting on Thursday and offer your feedback then
   - Ask me (rainb@google.com) to share the figma file with you directly so
   that you can comment there, if this is something you want to do

*A few notes about the slides themselves: *

   - *Slide 1: the key image*
   If we are only able to provide one image initially, this shows what we
   want it to include, as it represents a snapshot of where the user might be
   mid-way through the process of purchasing flowers.
   - *Slide 2: the key image with annotations*
   This slide does not contain any new visual information. Instead, we have
   annotated, with arrows, what some of the visual elements are intended to do
   to support cognition and understanding.
   - *Slide 3: the key image with tab index*
   For the sake of clarity, we took the time to represent how the user
   would navigate through this experience if they were a keyboard only or
   switch user. While this may not end up in anything public, we did this work
   to make sure that the designer has this in mind.
   - *Slide 4: landing page to buy flowers*
   If we can show more than one image, we would like to show multiple
   points in the user journey. This image represents what the user sees *before
   *they have added any filters to the view, or selected any products to
   add to their cart.
   - *Slides 5 & 6: filter dropdowns*
   If we can show more than one image, or show details at various points in
   the document, these slides represent what information the user should have
   available to them when they expand the dropdown menus to add filters.
   - *Slide 7: modal detail for "help me pick"*
   If we can show more than one image, or details of the user journey, this
   slide shows a modal that would appear for the user if they select the "help
   me pick" button.
   - *Slide 8: modal detail for "ready to buy"*
   If we can show more than one image, or details of the user journey, this
   slide shows a modal that appears when the user selects the "ready to buy"
   button *or *when they select "check out" from the cart.
   - *Slide 9: representation of single column*
   This slide represents how we imagine this experience would reflow in the
   event that the user is zoomed in or the user is on a small mobile device.
   While it might not make it to any public facing material, we feel that it
   is important to communicate this to the designer, as well, so that it can
   be considered when creating the design itself.

Please don't focus on the aesthetics. We intentionally left this somewhat
"ugly" in order to prevent interfering too much with the designer's ability
to do their work.

These are meant to be wireframes only, and any colors that you see are
simply to help communicate our goals to the designer.

We are also coming up with a separate business requirements document to go
with this deck, but that document will be prepared after receiving all
feedback so that it takes all feedback into account.

Thank you,


Received on Thursday, 1 April 2021 17:58:57 UTC