Content Usable Changes to Discuss

Below is a summary of changes from AG and additional requests for

*List of changes:*

*1. Examples: *The bulk of the changes were Do and Don't to Use and Avoid.
The AG agreed that we would make that change for the time being to make the
language better and then

*2. Qualifier Language -* Similar language is in the Abstract, Introduction
and Design Guide Introduction so these should be thought about together.

*2a: Design Guide Introduction*
*Original Text: *The Objectives and Patterns presented here supplement the
Success Criteria presented in the WCAG  accessibility guidelines and
address those user needs that are not fully met in current accessibility

*COGA Proposed Text:  *The Objectives and resulting Patterns presented here
are not intended to replace or add requirements to the WCAG accessibility
guidelines. Rather, they are intended to address user needs that may not
otherwise be met so that more people with disabilities can use websites and
applications. This guidance is not included in the current normative WCAG
2.x specification.

*Revised Text from Meeting (Somewhere between COGA and Other Suggestions):*
The Objectives and Patterns presented here provide additional advice beyond
the requirements of the WCAG  accessibility guidelines  They are intended
to address user needs that could not be included in the normative WCAG 2.x
specification.  This guideance is provided as advice on how to address user
needs that may not be  otherwise met and this advice will help more people
with disabilities use websites and applications.

*2b. Abstract*
*Original Text:*  The Objectives and Patterns presented in this document
supplement the Success Criteria presented in the WCAG accessibility
guidelines and address those user needs that are not fully met in current
 accessibility guidelines. Following the guidance in this document does not
affect conformance to WCAG, but will increase accessibility for people with
cognitive and learning disabilities. The Objectives and Patterns build on

*Revised Text from Meeting:*   The Objectives and Patterns presented here
provide additional advice beyond the requirements of the WCAG accessibility
guidelines.  Following the guidance in this document does not affect
conformance to WCAG, but will increase accessibility for people with
cognitive   and learning disabilities. The Objectives and Patterns build on

*2c: Introduction*
*New Text Added: *The Objectives and Patterns presented here provide
additional advice beyond the requirements of the WCAG  accessibility
guidelines.  They are intended to address user needs that could not be
included in the normative  WCAG 2.x specification.  This guidence is
provided as advice on how to address user needs that may not be otherwise
met and this advice will help more people with disabilities use websites
and applications.

*3. Alt text on common regions images changed. *
*New Text*:

   - 3 rows of 8 evenly spaced circles divided into two blue rectangles.
   The blue backgrounds make the two groupings visually apparent.
   - 4 circles divided into two sets of two by a contrasting border. Each
   set has a blue and a white circle. The white circles are adjacent but
   the border clearly indicates the sets.

*4. The bullets in the abstract were reordered to better match the new
document structure. *
*New Order:*
This document has content about:

   - people with learning and cognitive disabilities,
   - aims and objectives for useable content,
   - design patterns (ways) to make content usable,
   - including users in design and testing activities, and
   - personas (examples) and user needs.

*5. Guidance was changed to guidelines*
*Revised Sentence: *Some accessibility features will help people with
cognitive impairments, but often the issues that affect people with
cognitive and learning disabilities include context, structure, language,
usability, and other factors that are difficult to include in general

*6. Appendix C - Removed link from Critical Services and references to
*Original Text:* Review the different design pattern criteria, which are
listed in the following table, and decide if they are relevant to the
environmental or situational scenarios.  Note that the design patterns in
the following table are linked to their respective areas of the Design
Guide which contains detailed information about getting started,
implementation, and technical details.

*Revised Text: *Review the different design pattern criteria</strong> and
decide if they are relevant to the environmental or situational scenarios.

*Original Text: *Critical Services: A policy for critical services might
require any design pattern with a medium to high user need level, as
reflected in the <a href="">table
of design patterns and policy criteria</a>. A robust system for inclusion
of most design patterns would ensure that individuals can quickly access
and interpret information that directly impacts their use cases.

*Critical Services:* A policy for critical services might require any
design pattern with a medium to high user need level. A robust system for
inclusion of most design patterns would ensure that individuals can quickly
access and interpret information that directly impacts their use cases.

*7. Changed must to should*
*Revised Text: *User considerations should also be taken into account when
developing scenario-based policies, such as individual safety concerns,
autonomy and savings in care-giving, and the cost of individuals with
cognitive or learning disabilities leaving the workplace earlier than
necessary due to lack of appropriately designed content or interfaces.

*8. Removed "Mental health and avoiding triggers is not yet fully

*Additional issues that need to be addressed:*

*9. Judy's comments:*

   - From survey: "I appreciate the mention of supplemental guidance in the
   abstract, but think that that needs more clarification. Likewise the
   section on uptake of this guidance in different situations is improved, but
   it could use more -- potentially a sentence or two of that text could be
   used in the abstract to clarify applicability. Overall, anything to trim
   the document would increase uptake chances."
   - From Discussion, add to abstract: "This document is divided into
   parts. Each part can be used when needed by different groups in the
   development team. "
   - From Discussion, add to introduction: "The document is organized by
   high level objectives which are listed along with user stories in Section
   - From Discussion, add to abstract: "User considerations should be taken
   into account when deciding how to apply this document. For instance, Web
   content and applications that address individual safety concerns, health,
   critical services, autonomy, care-giving, social integration, and workplace
   needs should follow as much of the advice in this document as possible. "

*10.  From Steve: Appendix B *

*Contains items in the last column that we specifically moved out
   of Appendix D into the wiki in response to the AG feedback.   *

*One quick solution is to remove this column, though that does lose the
   traceability. Or possibly to change the content to be links to the wiki
   table (but see below for a related issue).*
   - *The Other issues are*

   - *The short names given in column are out of date and no longer appear **in
      the main document. They should be replaced with the pattern name.*
      - *This HTML table could now be in the wiki with the other one.*
   - *The order is not the same as the patterns in the main doc or an
**Appendix D
      table. *If the order matches that in the wiki table it is possible to
      cross reference between the 2.

Received on Thursday, 4 June 2020 13:50:36 UTC