Fwd: Tuesday Breakfast at CSUN?


The APA WG and  associated Task Forces are planning  a breakfast on Tuesday
morning during CSUN. Please see the email below if you are interested.

The poll closes at 3pm eastern today so please respond as soon as possible
if you would like to go.

Best regards,


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: John Foliot <john.foliot@deque.com>
Date: Wed, Feb 19, 2020 at 1:26 PM
Subject: Tuesday Breakfast at CSUN?
To: W3C WAI Accessible Platform Architectures <public-apa@w3.org>, Silver
TF <public-silver@w3.org>

Hello all,

The APA WG and associated Task Forces are planning a breakfast get-together
for Tuesday March 10th in Anaheim. Location still TBD, but either Denny's
or IHOP - both within walking distance from the conference hotel.

This survey <https://doodle.com/poll/nacwpgxaeukfqzqi> is to primarily
capture head-count, and attendees will be notified of location once
finalized. If you plan on joining us, please indicate that in this poll.

Thanks, and see you then.

(NOTE: This Doodle Poll - https://doodle.com/poll/nacwpgxaeukfqzqi - should
be relatively accessible, however if anyone is having an issue please ping
me directly and I'll add you to the poll.)

*John Foliot* | Principal Accessibility Strategist | W3C AC Representative
Deque Systems - Accessibility for Good

Rachael Montgomery, PhD
Director, Accessible Community

"I will paint this day with laughter;
I will frame this night in song."
 - Og Mandino

Received on Tuesday, 25 February 2020 16:20:27 UTC