Re: Thoughts on editorial workflow that's easier to use

Some observations that may help:

On 04/02/2020 12:11, Steve Lee wrote:
> * Formatting requires entering markdown - but people who don't like it 
> can add requests in the issue comments.

You don't *need* to use markdown - inline HTML works fine in the GH 
issue.  (It may not show in the GH comment itself any styling in your 
target document that is produced using class names/ids and a style 
sheet. However, that will appear in the doc itself.)

Fwiw, the i18n setup currently *requires* html markup for lists in the 
GH issue, because i haven't yet finished the markdown-to-html converter. 
GH displays the list as expected in the comment field.

> * Possibly best for text blocks with other structure maintained in 
> template.


> * Markdown tables are likely to be fiddly

A quick test seems to indicate that you can also use HTML table markup 
in GH issue comments, if that helps. GH displays the markup as you'd expect.

> * Could be slow for complex docs as processing is at runtime rather than 
> build time.

Probably not noticeably slower than respec is normally.  Depends to an 
extent on the latency while accessing data over the GitHub API. 
However, i've not noticed any delay at all for our documents (admittedly 
not huge).

> * Requires GitHub API to be available - but they have excellent service 
> levels

Note, btw, that my intention is not to put the dynamic document on the 
TR space.  I'll simply generate a flat file, per the usual respec way, 
and publish that using Echidna.

hope that helps,

Received on Tuesday, 4 February 2020 12:36:07 UTC