Silver Requirements Update


COGA expressed concern about the Silver Requirements needing a requirement
that focuses more on the needs of people with disabilities. The Silver
Taskforce reworded requirement 4.1 to to address the request. Please see
the old and new version below. We would like an OK at today's meeting if
this meets COGA's request. If you will not make today's meeting, please
write back with a +1 if you approve this or changes needed.

*Current Version*

4.1 Multiple ways

All Silver guidance has tests or procedures so that the results can be
verified. In addition to the current true/false success criteria, other
ways of measuring (for example, rubrics, sliding scale, task-completion,
user research with people with disabilities, and more) can be used where
appropriate so that more needs of people with disabilities can be included.
*Proposed Revision*

4.1 Broader disability support

All Silver guidance has tests or procedures so that the results can be
verified. In addition to the current true/false success criteria, other
ways of measuring (for example, rubrics, sliding scale, task-completion,
user research with people with disabilities, and more) can be used where
appropriate so that more needs of people with disabilities can be included.
This includes particular attention to accessibility for individuals with
low vision, cognitive and learning disabilities, whose needs can be better
met with a broader testing approach.

Received on Thursday, 17 December 2020 12:48:29 UTC