Re: Content Usable Meetings

Topics we urgently need to finish before the brake include:

1. What needs to go into a final edit. We have a list so far at the top of, we need to agree on some terms (such as when
to use symbols icons and graphics) etc. See  the top of  for
more examples ...
2. Going through google docs comment and issues
3.  approve/ or comment on appendices, "how to section" and objectives and
4. Agreeing/tweek the patterns rewrites
5. Images

The aim is for Rachael to get a clean version into github, so i can add
some of the consistency edits over the brake.

Let me know what I forgot...

All the best


On Thu, Dec 10, 2020 at 9:52 PM Rachael Bradley Montgomery <> wrote:

> Hello,
> Thank you to everyone who came today to help us work through content
> usable.   Your insights and help were appreciated and we made great
> progress. We are wrapping up at this time.
> We have scheduled two more meetings next week and hope you are able to
> attend even part of the time to help us continue to advance.
> Monday 14 December from 8-10 Eastern
>    - Meeting Link:
> Thursday 17 December from 7-12 Eastern
>    - Meeting Link:
>    - Note this second meeting will take the place of the COGA call and
>    editor's meeting
> Both meetings have waiting rooms. Please log on with a recognizable name
> so I can let you in. We will be in IRC as well.
> Best regards,
> Rachael
> --
> Rachael Montgomery, PhD
> Director, Accessible Community
> "I will paint this day with laughter;
> I will frame this night in song."
>  - Og Mandino

Received on Thursday, 10 December 2020 22:20:23 UTC