RE: CFC - Approve AG and APA Review of Making Content Usable

Hi Rachael,


Is this CFC for the at large members of COGA, and not AGWG members?  I don’t want to +1 if the only reason I see this is because of “chair”.





From: Rachael Bradley Montgomery <> 
Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2020 9:07 AM
To: public-cognitive-a11y-tf <>
Subject: CFC - Approve AG and APA Review of Making Content Usable


Call For Consensus (CFC)— ends Monday April 21st at 1:00pm Boston time.


The COGA Task Force has discussed sending the current version of Making Content Usable to the AG Working Group and the APA Working Group for the next step towards a wide review and publishing this note.   The call minutes are at: HYPERLINK ";!!GqivPVa7Brio!M4FPhMQclpPu7XlustPLdVMkB8D5zJB5KWGR1l7ODE5aXyJt7K90ZOHSa3eTFFwSrg$"


The specific changes that will be incorporated are at HYPERLINK ";!!GqivPVa7Brio!M4FPhMQclpPu7XlustPLdVMkB8D5zJB5KWGR1l7ODE5aXyJt7K90ZOHSa3csBco40g$"  These changes will be integrated into HYPERLINK ";!!GqivPVa7Brio!M4FPhMQclpPu7XlustPLdVMkB8D5zJB5KWGR1l7ODE5aXyJt7K90ZOHSa3ctJ0FuHg$" before we send it to the working groups. We will be able to continue to review and edit the document as part of the review process but will keep track of any changes to report back. 


If you have concerns about this proposed consensus position that have not been discussed already and feel that those concerns result in you “not being able to live with” this decision, please let the group know before the CFC deadline.  Please note that we treat no response by the deadline as consensus. 


Please respond with +1 if you approve this proceeding forward, 0 if you are neutral, and -1 if you object to this document proceeding forward.


Received on Thursday, 23 April 2020 20:00:55 UTC