Re: Make it easy to find the most important thing

Hi Rachael

I wasn’t involved in 2.1 so not party to all the details that were discussed at that time. I think your proposals a good basis but I am concerned they only mention controls not content more widely.

I’m wondering if we could use the concept of main content as a substitute for “above the fold” particularly as we have to support all screen sizes and zoomed in to 300%

Based on 2.4.1 this could be something like

“content following repeated navigational elements must be visible without scrolling in the main modalities of the content.”


“Content at the beginning of main region landmarks must be visible without scrolling in the main modalities of the content.”

(Although that 2nd one may have to be a technique)

Best wishes


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On 21 May 2019, at 19:08, Rachael Bradley Montgomery <<>> wrote:


I am working on the 2.2 SC text for "Make it easy to find the most important thing"

I went back through the 2.1 feedback on this SC and believe there are a few different paths to take in wording. I am unfortunately teaching this Thursday so won't be on the call but I would appreciate your opinions on the best approach.

The 2.1 text read "Critical features and important information are above the fold and are accentuated in the main modality of the content."

There was feedback that it is difficult to determine a critical feature is, where the fold is, and what accentuated means.  Below are a few suggestions for alternate wording that use existing definitions and approaches to try to clarify or remove these points.

  1.  Essential controls are prominent and visible without scrolling in the main modalities of the content.
  2.  Essential controls are visible without scrolling in the main modalities of the content.
  3.  Essential controls are prominent and visible without scrolling in a 1280 x 1024 css pixel viewport.


Thank you,


Rachael Montgomery, PhD
Director, Accessible Community<>

Received on Wednesday, 22 May 2019 05:57:58 UTC