Re: Making Objective and Patterns more concistent


Thank you for putting this together.  Some suggestions for consideration
are below.

Help users understand what things are and how to use them

   - Support user understanding and usability
   - Help users identify and use controls

Logging in does not rely on good memory or other cognitive skills.

   - Provide an accessible login
   - Provide login that does not rely on memory



On Thu, Jul 11, 2019 at 4:52 AM Steve Lee <> wrote:

> Here is a spreadsheet of proposed changes to the names. The changes are
> to keep the reasonably short and to be in a similar style / voice.
> Yellow highlight means the name was tweaked.
> There are 2 names (red in sheet) that I feel need shortening to around
> 40 characters and I'd welcome suggestions
> * Help users understand what things are and how to use them
> * Logging in does not rely on good memory or other cognitive skills
> The second also needs changing to "designer action 1st" format.
> Steve

Rachael Montgomery, PhD
Director, Accessible Community

Received on Thursday, 11 July 2019 12:48:24 UTC