RE: Table added to the Design working document

That's great Steve!
Would anyone be opposed if the following changes were added?
1. Add a key to the document to indicate that x means complete.
2. Add another column to indicate to whom the item has been assigned (e.g. it could just say "Steve" or "Jennie") or if it is unassigned

Another option might be to change the column where Steve has entered an X, to be:
Option: 1: the person to whom it has been assigned
Option 2: the text "unassigned," or
Option 3: the text "completed"

The second idea is my preference. Just an idea - I am ok if the group decides to keep it like this. My goal is to be able to quickly go into the document, scan the table, and get to work <smile>.

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Lee <> 
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2019 7:30 AM
Subject: Table added to the Design working document

Here is the table as promised

Each method name is a link to it in the document X means appears to be complete in document


Received on Friday, 18 January 2019 13:46:20 UTC