user needs tomorow will be about reminders

Tomorrow we will discuss the last two rows of  table 2 about reminders 
I have copied the information from the table here so we can think about it ahead of time.

1. User need: I need reminders of important information

(Assume I have an attention disability and/or an impaired short term memory)

WCAG SC Support is provided that help users understand the content, that includes:

Techniques:  if you have a calendar/mail program you should provide a feature that could notify the user of an impending meeting or to dos (broader scope) 

New semantics: Proposed attribute of coga-reminder (see
Proposed attribute: coga-reminder
 Supported values: 
 basic: Reminders that over 90% of users would want,
 more: More would be used by over 20% of the population.
 extra: Extra would be used by over 5% of the population, and
 maximum: Maximum would be helpful for 5% of the population or less.
 <div role="alert" coga-reminder="basic"> It is your daughter's birthday</div>

Enable the user to turn off less helpful reminders

We need personlisation settings as to how to handle coga-reminder

2. User Need: I need to turn off distractions 1) to be a default and 2) to be a trivial option in real time.

(Assume I have an attention disability and/or an impaired short term memory and/or impaired executive function)

For wcag: as above


Use semantics and safe standardized techniques that enable the content to be adapted to the user scenario including enabling additional support and personalization.

Techniques: Alow the user to determine levels of interruptions, as easily as possible. (§ expand)

user settings for distractions need to be interoprable

Operating stystem tool § expand
 see Intergrated solution
  It is based on a matrix for distractions at the operating system , browser or cloud level. Currently people can turn off distractions such as skype, and facebook, across different devices, and then may forget to turn them back on. This idea manages all distractions by forming a cross application and cross device distraction matrix that manages all distractions in one setting.

If we have time we want to move to the next table (table 3) the first user need...

I need help avoiding mistakes and minimize the mistakes I might make. 
  Support is provided that help users complete and check their task, that includes: 1: Use known techniques to minimize errors that are relevant to the content ...
 (§ expand)
 Level A
 3.6.2 Support is provided that help users understand the content, that includes: § expand
 To add
  Prevent errors (§ expand)
 Provide Help (§ expand)
  COGA Techniques 2.7 ) 
   Explain and feedback (§ expand)
 Adding Context  standardize supportive syntax and terms that can be linked to associated symbols, terms, translations and explanations, for the individual, 
 (§ expand)

All the best

Lisa Seeman

LinkedIn, Twitter

Received on Sunday, 26 June 2016 15:25:54 UTC