Congratulations all

Hi Folks

Both WCAG and APA have given us to publish our first working drafts of 
Gap Analysis  and    Issue Papers Collection 

Congratulations all and thanks for everyone's hard work!!!!

Have a great weekend and all the best
Lisa Seeman

LinkedIn, Twitter

============ Forwarded message ============
>From : Janina Sajka<>
To : <>
Cc : "Lisa Seeman"<>,"Michael Cooper"<>
Date : Thu, 23 Jun 2016 21:44:45 +0300
Subject : APA Decision on CfC: Publish two COGA FPWD documents
============ Forwarded message ============

We have recieved only messages in support of this CfC. It is, therefore, 
agreed to as a consensus decision of the APA-WG. The head of thread for 
this CfC can be found at: 
Congratulations to the COGA-TF on this important milestone! 
Janina Sajka writes: 
> Colleagues: 
> This is a Call for Consensus (CfC) to the Accessible Platform 
> Architectures (APA) Working Group to publish two First Public Working 
> Draft (FPWD) documents from the Cognitive and Learning Disabilities 
> Accessibility (COGA) Task Force, namely: 
> *    Gap Analysis 
> *    Issue Papers Collection 
> Background Information 
> The Cognitive and Learning Disabilities Accessibility (COGA) Task Force, 
> a joint Task Force of the APA and the WCAG Working Groups in W3C/WAI, 
> has been working for some time to develop use cases, requirements and a 
> gap analysis related to enhancing the experience of persons with various 
> cognitive disabilities on the world wide web. The two documents 
> referenced above comprise their findings and serve as a basis for 
> seeking wider comment from stakeholders. 
> This CfC is issued pursuant to a resolution logged by APA during its 
> regularly scheduled teleconference of Wednesday 15 June and logged at: 
> The COGA Home Page can be found at: 
> This CfC is now open for objection, comment, as well as statements of 
> support via email. Silence will be interpreted as support, though 
> messages of support are certainly welcome. 
> If you object to this proposed action, or have comments concerning this 
> proposal, please respond by replying on list to this message no later 
> than 23:59 (Midnight) Boston Time, Wednesday 22 June. 
> Janina 
> -- 
> Janina Sajka,    Phone:    +1.443.300.2200 
>         Email: 
> Linux Foundation Fellow 
> Executive Chair, Accessibility Workgroup: 
> The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) 
> Chair, Accessible Platform Architectures 
Janina Sajka,    Phone:    +1.443.300.2200 
Linux Foundation Fellow 
Executive Chair, Accessibility Workgroup: 
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) 
Chair, Accessible Platform Architectures 

Received on Thursday, 23 June 2016 18:52:01 UTC