proposals for new syntax

Some proposals from last weeks call (Table 3)

1. coga-explain  should be any information that helps the user anticipate the functionality, such as letting the user know what behavior will trigger an event. This is more important if the mechanism is not the standard look and feel.

2. suggested syntax, that the author can then turn some of the information into breadcrumbs via CSS (or not), and  the user system can read and present to the user as per their preferences. 
<log> <step> <name>buy ticket</name><actiontaken>bought tictet to NY return</actiontaken><view changepossible="yes">url </view><step>
 <step> <name>hotel</name><actiontaken>booked sherton single room</actiontaken><view changepossible="yes">url </view></step>
 An alternative syntax would be
 <div role="log" aria-hidden="true"/>

All the best

Lisa Seeman

LinkedIn, Twitter

Received on Sunday, 24 July 2016 10:19:36 UTC