"importance" or "occurrence"

Hi FolksWould we like to change the attribute name "importance" to "occurrence" or "frequency" 

The advantage of occurrence of visitation or click rate  is that it is something the author knows and can say how often it is used. It is not subjective.

The down side is that what we really want is importance. and frequency is a way to gauge it. However if we rewrite importance to be the combination of the frequency of use and is it ever seem really important to the average user.

for example
 aria-importance= "critical" this content is essential for the key function of the page (Example: The send button for an email draft) OR if it is sometimes critical to a user being able to use the site, such as "save my work" or "emergency instructions" OR if it is used by over 90% of users most times they use the content
  aria-importance= "high" this content is used frequent but still high(Example: The delete button for an email draft)  or if it is sometimes very important  to a user being able to use the site, such as "settings"  OR if it is used by over 70% of users most of the times they use the content

All the best

Lisa Seeman

Athena ICT Accessibility Projects 
LinkedIn, Twitter

Received on Sunday, 18 October 2015 16:29:29 UTC