RE: personalistion for the gap annalisis

Hi Lisa,

What is the significant advantage to merging those three papers? I ask especially because I’m always thinking of cost/benefit. Why would the work needed to merge the three papers be worth the effort compared to leaving them separate?


John Rochford<>
UMass Medical School/E.K. Shriver Center
Director, INDEX Program
Instructor, Family Medicine & Community Health
Twitter: @ClearHelper<>
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From: lisa.seeman []
Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2015 9:03 AM
To: public-cognitive-a11y-tf
Subject: personalistion for the gap annalisis

short review of :
•  adapting content for coga personalization<> ,Gathering User Preferences<>, Syntax for adaptable links and buttons<> and portable preference

Firstly we would like to merge these papers.

GPII - cog a is potentially support but not yet,as
a, it is not yet  well supported and implemented
b, tools are on sensory accessibility and not coga.
Similar conclusion for  ISO/IEC 24751, (Individualized adaptability and accessibility in e-learning, education and training.  Part 1: Framework. Part 2: Need and Preference Terms Registration.  Part 3: Core Application Profile.

However we feel GPII will incorporate what we do when we do it

The plan is that the JSon and scripts in  "easy personalistion" can address most of what is described in adapting content for coga personalization<> and then we can relie on GPII to address portable preferences in the future.

Missing from our roadmap and techniques - enabling the  use  to replace  widgets/ components like video player, whilst keeping the content the same. This will enable a player to be  loaded that the user understands how to work. idealy this should work with
mavis or Brian (new projects our Json notation. This needs to enclude player settings such as diffrent levels of complexity.
We also need to address graded help for json

All the bestLisa Seeman
Athena ICT Accessibility Projects <> LinkedIn<>, Twitter<>

Received on Sunday, 28 June 2015 16:07:56 UTC