exceptions and summary

Hi Folk

I am reviewing the techniques document. I was thinking we could add possible exemptions which would be useful for any policy makers thinking of using the techniques in their policy.
So far I have the following ideas:

The group feels the following situations can create exceptions to parts of techniques

If the main role of the text is art or literary (and not to pass on information, social, enable the user to complete a task or other role) then use techniques about writing styles when they do not detract from the main role of the content.
If the main role of the text is artistic then use techniques about formatting styles when they do not detract from the main role of the content.
If the main role of content is to evaluate the user's cognitive abilities, then use   techniques as much as possible  when they do not detract from the main role of the content.
A page can conform to a technique if it is available in an conformant alternative form  that can be automatically located by a user agent.
Every techniques can be addressed via an automatic adaption of non-contentment to conforment content.
If user tests, for people with cognitive disabilities, finds specific content more usable without use of a technique, then that technique does not need to be used on that specific content.

I was also thinking of adding a constraint to the technique on writing styles that sometime using precise words and passive voicing is necessary, such as if you are writing instructions or legal policy. In such cases provide a simple to use summary. We should do that for our documents as well.

All the best

Lisa Seeman

Athena ICT Accessibility Projects
LinkedIn, Twitter

Received on Thursday, 27 August 2015 07:15:32 UTC