RE: Double check the times !!!!! - agenda and call information for the Cognitive Accessibility Task Force Teleconference -Monday, November 3rd, 2014

I have to send regrets for tomorrow, I have a conflicting meeting.


From: lisa.seeman [] 
Sent: Sunday, November 02, 2014 10:06 AM
To: lisa.seeman
Cc: public-cognitive-a11y-tf; Tim Boland
Subject: Re: Double check the times !!!!! - agenda and call information for the Cognitive Accessibility Task Force Teleconference -Monday, November 3rd, 2014


I had a error in the header date. Resending...


Double check the times. Due to clock changes not all zones have the same time as last week. The EU and US are back in sync, but Australia is not. 


I have added some IRS cheats to the email - see IRC section


Agenda and call information for the Cognitive Accessibility Task Force Teleconference
When: UTC (GMT/Zulu)-time: Monday, November 3rd, 2014 at 4 pm

11 am Austin time
12 pm Boston and New York 
5 pm London
7 pm IST Israel 
4 am Tues AEST Melbourne

Please verify the correct time of this meeting in your time zone using the Fixed Time Clock at: <> &iso=20141103T12&p1=43&ah=1

Call Details
Dial the W3C Zakim bridge at: +1.617.761.6200  <resource://skype_ff_extension-at-jetpack/skype_ff_extension/data/call_skype_logo.png> +1.617.761.6200+1.617.761.6200  <resource://skype_ff_extension-at-jetpack/skype_ff_extension/data/call_skype_logo.png> +1.617.761.6200 (This is a U.S. number). 
Pass-code:  2642   (coga) 

  If you have SIP you can call sip: 
  Pass-code:  2642   (coga) 

IRC access 
An IRC (Internet Relay Chat) channel will be available during the call. (The server is ,The port number is 6665 ) 

IRC made simple: 

IRC is like our chat room. You can join us on IRC simply by clicking on

The channel is #coga
You can write any name as a nickname


now you can chat while we talk.


Zakim cheats (for use in IRC)


zakim, [IPcaller] is me   (identifies you as [IPcaller])


zakim, ??P0 is me 

zakim, mute Lisa_Seeman (mutes Lisa_Seeman)

zakim, unmute Lisa_Seeman (unmutes Lisa_Seeman)


q+ (puts you on the que)

q- (takes you off the que)


/me ....(lets you say something that will not be recorded)


Some scribe cheats

scribe: ZakimName (sets the scribe)

zakim, next item

zakim, close item

ACTION: TrackbotName to ActionText - DueDate

action:lisa-seeman to do some more work


To close the meeting:

rrsagent, make logs public

rrsagent, create minutes 

zakim, please part

rrsagent, please part

Preliminary Agenda 
  Meeting:The Cognitive Accessibility Task Force Teleconference 
 agenda: this 

 agenda+  review of agenda, new items
 agenda+  review of actions - including identifying user strategies and cognitive function table

 agenda+  review resolutions from last week  on schedules and resolutions process

 agenda+  review/ approve new content for working draft 

 agenda+  assign todo actions for next steps

 agenda+  template for issue papers

 agenda+  review of User Agent Accessibility Guidelines (UAAG) 2.0 Last Call Working Draft. The working group (UAWG) 

 agenda+  approval of other new content,, 

agenda+  editing github

 agenda+  Next FTF

 agenda+ How will we receive comments?
 agenda+ be done 
Other Information (less important)

Resource: For Reference 
  Home Page:
  Work Statement:
  Email Archive:
  Wiki Main Page:
  Wiki Gap Analysis:
  * Some helpful Scribing and Participation Tips 
  - For more on W3C use of IRC see: 
  Instructions for connecting using SIP: 
  Place for users to contribute additional VoIP tips. 
  During the conference you can manage your participation with Zakim 
  commands as follows: 
  61# to mute yourself 
  60# to unMute yourself 
  41# to raise your hand (enter speaking queue) 
  40# to lower your hand (exit speaking queue) 
  The system acknowledges these commands with a rapid, three-tone 
  confirmation. Mobile phone users especially should use the mute 
  if they don't have a mute function in their phone. But the hand-raising 
  function is a good idea for anyone not using IRC. 

  All the best
  Lisa Seeman


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Received on Sunday, 2 November 2014 23:06:20 UTC