Re: Typeface for Dyslexia in Henry Winkler childrens book

Katie Haritos-Shea GMAIL wrote:
> I was just watching KathieLee and Hoda (from the Today show in the US). They
> were speaking with Henry Winkler (Fonzie from Happy Days TV show). He (a
> dyslexic) wrote a book for kids using a type developed/inventer by a
> Norwegian father that uses weighted type. This is for dyslexic children, but
> apparently the type face is much easier for all users to read.
> We need to find out what typeface this is......

In the same vein, in case you haven't seen this one from the University 
of Twente, Netherlands. [1]




Received on Tuesday, 11 February 2014 15:55:06 UTC