Local LLM libraries


https://lmstudio.ai/  is seemingly built on
https://github.com/ggerganov/llama.cpp ??

I'm not sure how many people are aware of such works being done, IMHO:
worth being aware of / thought ppl. I might find that interesting; so,
though, I'd post to the lists rather than alternatives considered.

Personally, I'm very interested in expanding the library to support a RWW /
Solid server being incorporated...  then, hooking it into a browser
extension to support 'social web'.

fwiw; i've updated my old tools sheet - added rww / solid links - mostly
focused on the solid links...


But i was also interested to hear about ideas about how these sorts of
libraries could be extended via CogAI works; indeed, as is broadly part of
my deliberations about whether the 'web of data' ends-up being baked into
browsers, or whether there's a different approach, that ends-up being -
different to a wallet..

i'll follow-up about such considerations and related advancements of works;
in a latter email, notwithstanding the prompt.


Received on Monday, 8 April 2024 15:01:48 UTC