Re: Welcome to the Cognitive AI CG

Thanks for the introduction. I am happy to answer questions and we can arrange a call if needed. In respect to PKN, the next steps will be to compile examples of good and bad arguments to ground work on declarative models for strategies and tactics for effective argumentation.  You may want to take a look at Argumentation Schemes by Douglas Walton and colleagues.

p.s. I am investigating ideas for novel neural network architectures inspired by what is known about human cognition with a view to integrating episodic and encyclopaedic memory, plus continual learning. Today’s LLM’s are amazing, but there is so much more ahead of us to explore.

Best regards,

> On 28 Nov 2023, at 22:33, Arto Bendiken <> wrote:
> Thanks for the welcome! I'm here to learn more about representing and reasoning with uncertain/imprecise knowledge in relation to LLM use cases in industry.
> I've so far ingested your KGSWC-2023 paper, slide decks, several talk recordings, and the PKN draft spec. Excellent materials. Next, I'm looking forward to following up on Collins and other references, and examining the GitHub repository in more detail.
> Also joining the group and mailing list is my colleague Tolga, copied here.
> Kind regards,
> Arto
> CTO, Haltia.AI <>

Dave Raggett <>

Received on Wednesday, 29 November 2023 09:32:31 UTC