Re: Interest in a zoom meeting on safe AGI?

st 1. 11. 2023 v 16:07 odesílatel Dave Raggett <> napsal:

> I would like to gauge the level of potential interest in scheduling a call
> on safe AGI.  This would be recorded and shared publicly after the event.
> Please let me know if you are interested in attending and what your time
> zone is.
> p.s. we could make this an open meeting for anyone to join.

Very tempting (CET here).  Quite limited time as juggling many projects.
Given your history with the web, this could yield some fruitful insights.

Any particular theme, of course there are topical releases on this topic
coming out of G7 countries in recent days.

Something a bit older, do you have thoughts on "Heuristic Imperatives?"

The three key heuristic imperatives are:

1. Reduce suffering in the universe: Guiding AI systems to minimize harm,
address inequalities, and alleviate pain and distress for all sentient
beings, including humans, animals, and other life forms.

2. Increase prosperity in the universe: Encouraging AI systems to promote
well-being, flourishing, and economic growth for all life forms, fostering
a thriving ecosystem where all can coexist harmoniously.

3. Increase understanding in the universe: Inspiring AI systems, as well as
humans and other life forms, to expand knowledge, foster wisdom, and
facilitate better decision-making through learning and the sharing of

I hope I didnt wander off-topic here!

> Many thanks,
> Dave Raggett <>

Received on Wednesday, 1 November 2023 15:12:26 UTC