
Hi Matteo,

Take a look at the Github pages and try out some of the demos - they should work in your web browser. I am happy to chat one on one at some point. I am in the UK when it comes to time zone differences.


> On 7 Dec 2023, at 22:09, Matteo Bianchetti <> wrote:
> Hi Dave and all members of cogai, 
> I have just joined the group. My name is Matteo. I studied mathematics (MSc) and philosophy (PhD) of Notre Dame (Indiana, USA). I worked on logic, computability, and philosophy of mathematical practice (e.g. the role of spatial thinking in domains that are, at least prima facie, non-geometrical). To carry out the last project, I familiarized myself with several recent works on cognitive psychology (Getner on analogies, Lackoff on metaphors, etc.). I am currently working as an ontologist at ADP. I am interested in learning from and contributing to projects trying to advance artificial intelligence drawing inspiration from cognitive science and logic alongside other approaches that are currently more mainstream. I can program in Python.
> How can I get started getting to know this group more and working with you?
> All the best,
> Matteo 
> On Wed, 6 Dec 2023 at 10:45, Dave Raggett < <>> wrote:
>> Hi Matteo,
>> Welcome to the W3C Cognitive AI CG.  I encourage you to email the group with a brief account of your interest and intentions.  So far we have mostly worked on chunks and rules, inspired by John Anderson’s ACT-R, and PKN (plausible knowledge notation) inspired by Alan Collins, with demos and draft specifications for both.
>> I see opportunities for further work on extending PKN to model tactics and strategies for defeasible reasoning, and for new work on neural network architectures to experiment with ideas for enabling continual learning, episodic memory and reflective cognition, see: If you are a programmer, your help with the latter would be much appreciated.
>> Best regards,
>> Dave Raggett < <>>

Dave Raggett <>

Received on Friday, 8 December 2023 09:42:06 UTC