Re: COG - AI Call scheduled September 21, 2020 at 1 PM London time.

Thank you Ronald for setting this up
I should be able to make it

For me, AI has always been cognitive AI - probably because I started
learning AI
from knowledge based systems (long ago), I never felt the necessity to call
AI cognitive
(i understand that given the spike of ML this disambiguation may be useful
at the same time, I have been practicing all along for thirty years
(unlabelled, and unaware perhaps
that a discipline was forming )

My suggestion is to try make the call a bit participatory, make sure that
whoever is on the call
can contribute to the call agenda and bring in their perspective/experience
to whatever is the agenda goal

Its good to learn but  to "éducate'' sounds as if people dont know about
cogAI already, like a bit patronizing perhaps?
what about co-learn :-)

I am a constructivist by nature


On Mon, Sep 14, 2020 at 2:38 AM Ronald Reck <> wrote:

> Hello Cognitive AI Community group,
> Our first conference call is scheduled for
> September 21, 2020 at 1 PM London time.
> Contact information will be sent out later this week.
> The agenda is as follows:
> 1. Educate - gentle introduction to the topic of cog-ai
> 2. Outreach - Discuss how to extend reach out beyond
> our current group. We seek to bridge the technical
> clique mindsets as the topic is interdisciplinary.
> It involves traditional AI (deep learning),
> natural language processing, logic, pragmatics,
> cognitive science, and semantic web.
> 3. Use cases - Understand and document business cases
> especially around machine & human collaboration. This hopes
> to drive funding.
> 4. AI ethics / explainability
> As we are still in the early stages, there is
> much exciting work to be done, we need to consider
> how to involve different orientations to incubate
> a paradigm shift so that future intellectual effort
> is exerted in the most effectively toward AI's ability
> to enhance society.
> Please feel free to comment or make suggestions!
> -Ronald P. Reck

Received on Monday, 14 September 2020 03:05:05 UTC