- From: Paola Di Maio <paola.dimaio@gmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 9 Oct 2020 19:14:53 +0800
- To: W3C AIKR CG <public-aikr@w3.org>, public-cogai <public-cogai@w3.org>
Anyone with an unpublished paper floating around? Please consider submitting, good refereed publication opportunity Dear Colleague, As tomorrow is the hard deadline of submission, I thought to finally touch the base once. Kindly circulate once. International Semantic Intelligence Conference (ISIC-2021) Conference Dates: Feb 25-27, 2021 Hard Deadline: [October 10, 2020] ISIC 2021 will allow remote participation and the organizing committee has started working toward putting together the technical infrastructure for both types of presentations (Face-to-face and remote). We understand that some workplaces are forfeiting the travel allowance, but need not worry as we make the remote participation available via online platforms. The registration amount for remote participation will be decreased by 30% in every category. You are hereby invited to submit full-length papers as the deadline of October 10, 2020, is approaching. The topics majorly include "Artificial Intelligence", "Machine Learning", and "Semantic Computing", but not limited to these. ISIC 2021 accepts submissions of all the three types the comprehensive overview of the topic, the review/survey of the topic, or the research results/findings. Star features of the conference: Though it is its first edition, ISIC 2021 has attracted already - 4 top-shot researchers as advisory - 6 keynotes/invited talks - 2 tutorials - 11 special sessions with 31 chairs - Springer to publish the ISIC 2021 proceedings in the Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) series, which is indexed in major indices - 11 special issues in journals (indexed in major indices) from 8 publishers for extended papers of ISIC 2021 - 21 members being chairs in main conference organization (coming from all around the world) - 200 Program Committee Members from various countries all around the world - high geographic diversity with members from 40 different countries - high gender diversity with 32% women The conference aims to establish itself as one of the best venues to publish the research findings with a publishing possibility in journals with major indices. Publication: Conference proceedings will be published by **CCIS Springer (Scopus Indexed) and available online. Few selected outstanding papers will be invited to submit the extended work in *Scopus / Web of Science (WoS)* indexed journals. Submission link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=isic2021. Important Dates: Last date of Paper Submission: [October 10, 2020] Notification of acceptance: [November 10, 2020] Camera-ready submission of accepted papers: [December 10, 2020] If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me at <jasarika@nitkkr.ac.in> Best Regards *On behalf of the Conference Committee* Dr. Sarika Jain Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Applications National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra, India https://sites.google.com/view/nitkkrsarikajain/ ######################################## Consider contributing to the International Semantic Intelligence Conference ISIC2021 Delhi India Feb 25-27, 2021
Received on Friday, 9 October 2020 11:15:46 UTC